The WLA President, Rebecca Paul and WLA Secretary General and Chair of the WLA CSR Committee, Lynne Roiter are participating in the African Lottery Association (ALA) 2022 Seminar on Responsible Gaming, in Accra Ghana
The WLA President, Rebecca Paul and WLA Secretary General and Chair of the WLA CSR Committee, Lynne Roiter are pleased to participate in the African Lottery Association (ALA) 2022 Seminar on Responsible Gaming, in Accra Ghana.
Hosted by the National Lottery Authority (NLA) of Ghana, the event is part of activities to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the NLA.
Also attending are ALA President, Dramane Coulibaly and ALA General Secretary, Younnes El-Mechrafi, who is also WLA Vice President.
Achieving responsible gaming is key for the lotteries, which must protect their players, and ensure responsible gaming aspects are included in the design and marketing of their products.
The WLA Responsible Gaming Principles and Responsible Gaming Framework (RGF) help its members achieve this goal. The seven Principles address areas of player protection, collaboration with other stakeholders, research, promotion, informed player choice, monitoring and reporting.
WLA members who adhere to the RGF commit to making responsible gaming an integral part of their daily operations, including activities involving employees, patrons, retailers and other stakeholders.
ALA members continue to integrate responsible gaming standards into their daily activities and are constantly working to adapt their responsible gaming practices to new sectoral trends. As digital sales continue to grow, the lotteries face new challenges to secure online channels, protect players and effectively combat money laundering.
During the four-day event, lottery industry experts will share experiences and discuss the importance of #certification to the WLA Responsible Gaming Framework, the process and its requirements.