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Published: October 5, 2022

RFI: Ohio Lottery Commission for full service lottery gaming system


Comprehensive Lottery Gaming System
10/4/2022 4:45:00 PM (EST)
12/1/2022 4:00:00 PM (EST)

The Ohio Lottery Commission (the “Lottery”) invites qualified vendors (hereinafter referred to as “Vendors” or individually as “Vendor”) to submit a response to this Request for Information (“RFI”) regarding development, implementation, and support of a new full-service lottery gaming system and ancillary services.  


In order to respond to this RFI, a Vendor must have an active full-service lottery central gaming system deployed within North America.  


The Lottery reserves the right to clarify, modify, amend, alter, or withdraw any information requested by or contained in this RFI. The responses provided as the result of this RFI will not constitute any type of bidding process by the Lottery but may be used for informational purposes in the development of a competitive bid which may or may not be conducted in the future. This RFI is not intended to conflict with or usurp any existing or future contractual relationships between the Lottery and any vendor for any other form of gaming. 

The Lottery invites Vendors to provide a Vendor Information Package of not more than 200 pages in length that includes all information requested in the MINIMUM SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF RESPONSE section of this RFI. Submissions must be provided electronically through OhioBuys.


Vendors who submit Vendor Information Packages are also required to present their capabilities and technology in person in Cleveland, Ohio. Presentations will be held between January 17, 2023 and February 10, 2023. A Presentation Packet with the Vendor’s assigned presentation date and additional information regarding presentations will be provided to all responding Vendors upon the close of the solicitation period.

Vendors will be provided an eight-hour window which will allow for presentation time on various topics, product demonstrations, and questions and discussion with Lottery staff.  The presentations require Vendors have the various terminals they believe may be of interest to the Lottery, including any terminal types specifically requested for demonstration by the Lottery, onsite and working in a demonstration mode.

General information
Contracting Entity
LOT-Lottery Commission
1 Result(s)