GLMS President highlights the importance of Macolin Convention 19 days after its entry into force
GLMS President, Ludovico Calvi, acted on September 19 as a speaker at the Betting on Sport 2019 Conference, in London, UK.
GLMS Preside...
Hong Kong Jockey Club response to Betfair offering betting exchange wagering on Hong Kong racing
Hong Kong Jockey Club response to Betfair offering betting exchange wagering on Hong Kong racing
Wednesday 4th Septem...
Lottery community calls for global action as Macolin Convention historically enters into force
Lottery community calls for global action as Macolin Convention historically enters into force
Feds ask judge to put at risk $100 mil NH lottery bets
CONCORD - Federal prosecutors are asking an appeals court judge to rule as much as $100 million in annual lottery betting in New Hampshir...
DOJ files appeal in New Hampshire lottery case
The news was inevitable, but it is nonetheless a disappointing day for online gambling proponents. The Department of Justice officially f...
By Philippe Vlaemminck, Managing Partner, Pharumlegal PharumLegal PROTECTING THE FUTURE OF
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Lottery gets win in Pennsylvania casinos' gambling lawsuit
Harrisburg) -- Pennsylvania's casinos have lost a bid to shut down online lottery games that they say are too much like casino gambling, ...
Deputy Attorney General Jeff Rosen Issues Memo to U.S. Attorneys on the Applicability of the Wire Act to Non-Sports Gambling
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NeoPollard Interactive and New Hampshire Lottery Win iLottery Court Decision
NeoPollard Interactive and New Hampshire Lottery Win iLottery Court Decision
NeoPollard Interactive
Jun 10, 2019, ...
Gibson Dunn’s McGill Hits the Jackpot in Online Gambling Challenge
Litigator of the Week: Gibson Dunn’s McGill Hits the Jackpot in Online Gambling Challenge 'The notion that people so suddenly could be su...
Gambling Bill Passes Illinois Senate, Pritzker Expected To Sign Into Law
CHICAGO (CBS) — Illinois will soon have sports betting, and Chicago will have a casino, thanks to the State Senate which approved a gambl...
How Monday's Wire Act Decision Affects The Poker, DFS And Sports Gambling Industries
On Monday, the U.S. District Court for the District of New Hampshire held that the Interstate Wire Act applies only to "activities assoc...
Latest Department Of Justice Wire Act Opinion Struck Down By U.S. District Judge
Wire Act Only Applies To Interstate Sports Betting And Not All Forms Of Online Gambling, According To Judge
The U.S. Department of Justi...
Nevada and Ohio Overhaul Legislation to Resist DOJ
Nevada and Ohio change gambling laws
Lawmakers exclude “mobile” and “online” mentions
NV and OH may need to help New Hampshire and Ne...
Georgia Governor worried Wire Act Opinion could hurt lottery
17th May 2019
It must be a really bad feeling when someone who you thought...
Seminole Tribe suspends revenue sharing payments with state of Florida
The Seminole Tribe is no longer sharing revenues with the state of Florida following the failure of Class III gaming compact negotiations...
Virginia ‘very closely’ following legal debate that could threaten interstate lottery games
Virginia ‘very closely’ following legal debate that could threaten interstate lottery games A new interpretation of a federal law by the ...
BREAKING NJ attorney general sues DOJ over casino owner's link to Wire Act opinion
The state attorney general has filed a lawsuit against the federal Justice Department for not providing answers about a Las Vegas casino ...
U.S. Justice Department has put a handful of states — including Pennsylvania — in danger of losing at least $220 million in net lottery profits annually as a result of a new interpretation of a 1961 law
Even if lottery profits are directed primarily toward funding specific programs, like in Pennsylvania, where senior citizen programs bene...
Norwegian gaming regulator Lottstift orders Kindred subsidiary Trannel International to cease operations in country immediately
Norwegian gaming regulator Lottstift orders Kindred subsidiary Trannel International to cease operations in country immediately.
The Nor...
DOJ ruling could affect Michigan lottery revenue
WASHINGTON — A pending Department of Justice ruling could alter lottery operations in Michigan.
In November 2018, the DOJ changed its 20...
DOJ Supplemental Memorandum relating to the Wire Act
Supplemental Me...
New Hampshire V DOJ Wire Act law suit: The skirmish over over 'WHOEVER’
NEW HAMPSHIRE V DOJ WIRE ACT LAWSUIT UPDATE: THE SKIRMISH OVER ‘WHOEVER’ The ongoing legal battle pitting the State of New Hampshire aga...
Card Games Could Be Key in Seminole Tribe Gambling Deal
The state and the tribe are back at the negotiating table in hopes of finalizing a revenue-sharing agreement in which the Seminoles would...
Valve Software Sued by Native American Tribe for Illegal Gambling Over CS:GO Skins Betting
The Quinault Nation, a Native American tribe that operates a casino in the state of Washington, has filed a lawsuit against Valve Softwar...
Will Mississippi lottery be derailed before it starts by fed ruling?
Will Mississippi lottery be derailed before it starts by fed ruling?
Mississippi's lottery could be hamstrung before it even starts lat...
Pharumlegal announces Guy Van Habberney has joined our team
Guy van Habberney
Senior Economic & Political Adviser on Belgian & EU – USA relations
Guy van Habberney has been th...
Federal Judge Paul Barbadoro has turned down a request by the U.S. Department of Justice to dismiss a lawsuit brought the New Hampshire Lottery Commission
A federal judge has turned down a request by the U.S. Department of Justice to dismiss a lawsuit brought the New Hampshire Lottery Commis...