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Published: September 21, 2019

GLMS President highlights the importance of Macolin Convention 19 days after its entry into force

GLMS President, Ludovico Calvi, acted on September 19 as a speaker at the Betting on Sport 2019 Conference, in London, UK. 

GLMS President opened the panel “Hub of Operations”, delivering a presentation on the importance and added-value of the Council of Europe Convention on the Manipulation of Sport Competitions (Macolin Convention), the only legally binding international treaty promoting global co-operation to tackle the manipulation of sports competitions. 19 days after its entry into force, Ludovico Calvi explained the next steps, focusing on the Follow-Up Committee, which will have to be convened by the Council of Europe within the next 12 months.

GLMS President also had the chance to analyse the sports betting-related provisions of the Convention, highlighting the obligation of sports betting operators to act in a legal, sustainable and transparent market environment and avoid any potential conflicts of interest. At the same time, he underlined the significance of having a regulated sport betting market in each jurisdiction with clear roles and responsibilities by operators and regulatory bodies, actively contributing to the creation and development of every country’s national platform. 

Ludovico Calvi called upon national regulators to – in line with the Convention – provide a sustainable regulatory  framework that would allow market to grow transparently while delivering attractive and responsible betting services to the public. At the same time, in order to protect and sustain market growth it is also paramount that there are concrete measures against illegal sports betting. He also once again took the opportunity to refer to the GLMS Code of Conduct on Sports Betting which could act as a reference for responsible sports betting operations.