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Published: February 10, 2023

ULIS (United Lotteries for Integrity in Sports) was pleased to participate in the first webinar of the Macolin ACT project

ULIS was pleased to participate in the first webinar of the Macolin ACT project on 3 February which welcomed recent signees to the #MacolinConvention.

First “Macolin ACT Project” onboarding webinar

The first webinar of the Macolin ACT Project, held on 3 February 2023, welcomed several stakeholders to the  project “Addressing Competitions’ Manipulations Together (ACT)”. The primary objective was to highlight the benefits of international and national co-operation between the main stakeholders involved in the fight against the manipulation of sports competitions, in the spirit of the Macolin Convention.

This first session was devoted to the stakeholders whose countries have recently signed the Macolin Convention (such as North Macedonia and Türkiye) or ratified it (such as Iceland) as well as to stakeholders interested in receiving information about the project. Participants came from the Ministries responsible for Sport/Justice/Interior, national sports governing bodies, National Olympic Committees (NOCs), sports associations and federations, betting regulatory authorities, betting monitoring companies and national police and prosecutors’ offices. The webinar was an opportunity to network with peers at an international level: Council of Europe, INTERPOL, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and United Lotteries for Integrity in Sports (ULIS, formerly GLMS).

The webinar was organised with the support of the Olympic Movement Unit on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions (OM Unit PMC) and INTERPOL’s Anti-Corruption Unit.

International speakers promoted cooperation at both national and international levels as a key element for the effectiveness of the actions and measures taken, notably through the creation and upgrading of national platforms (as provided for by Article 13 of the Macolin Convention). They underlined the importance of networking and creating an environment of trust between stakeholders in order to increase their effectiveness.

The ACT project is the technical and operational arm of the Macolin Convention from June 2022 to June 2025. It provides technical assistance to countries wishing to take their national stakeholder cooperation or national platform to the next level.

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