Release for Public Comment - GLI-16 v3.0 Cashless Systems and Technologies
GLI Standards Drafts
The updated GLI Standards reflect a revision to incorporate technical requirements reflective of the latest trends in gaming technology, to better align with overlapping requirements in the GLI Family of Technical Standards and other industry standards, to reflect industry best practices, and to provide better clarity between technical requirements, which would be evaluated in the lab, compared to operational controls and procedures, which would be evaluated post system install when required by a regulator. The changes made are largely designed to improve the clarity and consistency of requirements and are therefore expected to be non-disruptive to the industry as a whole.
GLI-13 v3.0 Standards for Monitoring and Control Systems and Validation Systems
GLI-16 v3.0 Standards for Cashless Systems and Technologies
Written comments are encouraged and should be recorded in the comment templates linked above and submitted to the “GLI Compliance” mailbox at
GLI Gaming Security Framework Drafts
The GLI Gaming Security Framework (GLI-GSF) was created in response to an overwhelming industry request for a comprehensive framework covering gaming security. Leveraging three and a half decades of knowledge and gaming industry insight, as well as a thorough review of global best practices for information security, GLI worked diligently alongside Bulletproof Solutions to establish a framework for gaming security. This module of the GLI-GSF sets forth the common controls necessary for auditing a gaming organization. These common controls apply for all forms of gaming, such as casino gaming, lottery, event wagering, and interactive gaming.
Written comments are encouraged and should be recorded in the comment templates linked above and submitted to the “GLI Compliance” mailbox at