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Published: November 1, 2020

Argentina: Mendoza approves online gaming legislation

The Chamber of Deputies —the Congress' lower house— modified two sections of the original bill, which had been submitted by Senator Mercedes Rus. The law will become effective once published in the official gazette.

Argentina does not have a federal regulatory framework for online gambling. Still, some provinces have already granted licenses to private operators to offer online odds to locals. For example, in Mendoza, there are no regulations, controls, or restrictions: anyone can access and place online bets from home. That is why Senator Mercedes Rus submitted a proposal to regulate this activity, which adds to a bill by lawmaker Marcelo Rubio.

The bill had been approved by the Senate and moved to the Chamber of Deputies —the Argentine Congress’ lower house—, where some amendments were introduced, and thus, was sent back to the upper house.

Rus delved into the amendments brought forward by the Chamber of Deputies: "Section 6 establishes a maximum of seven online gaming licenses. The second change is related to the technical requirements of IP addresses. I believe these changes are reasonable."

The law does not govern traditional lotteries and bingos, which fall within the scope of current regulations.

The new law creates a Registry of Online Gaming Licenses which must be available to the public and contain specific information about the license holders.