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Published: March 2, 2018

A set of bills making its way through Michigan’s legislature will change the rules for gambling online within the state

LANSING, Mich. (WOOD) — A set of bills making its way through Michigan’s legislature will change the rules for gambling online within the state.

Current laws say online gambling is illegal. However, that could change, at least partially, if the bills are approved.

Rep. Brandt Iden, R-Oshtemo, said he wants to set up online gambling through the existing casinos in the state. In that scenario, the state could regulate and tax the process while providing a legal way for people to do what many are already doing outside of the law.

“This creates a sort of sanctity of the game, I like to call it, and players who play regularly know that they want their money protected and they want to get paid when they win,” Iden said. “I mean, that’s the benefit of being able to structure it so that it’s properly regulated. In addition to the tax revenue for the state of Michigan, you will protect and ensure that people are 21, (and) that if there’s a problem gambling issue, people aren’t going overboard.”

The bills have already cleared committee in both the Michigan House of Representatives and the Senate. They are awaiting action by the full chambers.