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Published: May 31, 2022

Rytenskild & Akhurst take leadership of demerged Tabcorp

Tabcorp Holdings has formally announced its new leadership team and boardroom restructure as the business expects to demerge The Lottery Corporation unit on 1 June 2022. 

The transition sees David Attenborough retire as Chief Executive of the ASX gambling firm, who will be replaced by Adam Rytenskild as Group CEO of Tabcorp.

Last year, Attenborough postponed his planned resignation, in order to help with the businesses’ reorganisation – that saw the board agree to split the firm’s core wagering and lottery units. 

His successor Rytenskild is the former Managing Director of Tabcorp’s wagering-and-media division, and will be supported by Bruce Akhurst as Chairman of the firm.

A Tabcorp NED since 2017, Akhurst has been selected to replace incumbent Steven Gregg, who had chosen to join the Lottery Corporation as Chairman, once the divestment is accomplished.  

Akhurst will lead a new Tabcorp board formed by the NED appointments of Brett Chenoweth, Raelene Murphy and Karen Stocks, following the receipt of all necessary regulatory and ministerial approvals.

Executive team changes will see Daniel Renshaw take the role of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) succeeding Adam Newman, who has chosen to join the Lottery Corporation.

Chris Murphy remains the Company Secretary of Tabcorp, responsible for communications with the ASX and wider corporate stakeholders.

Tabcorp has yet to announce a C-level replacement for Chief Legal and Risk Officer Patrick McGlinchey, who joined The Lottery Corporation under the same title.