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Published: August 29, 2018

Two board members have resigned from the Cherry AB (publ) board of directors

Cherry AB has instigated a search for additional board members after Anna Bergius and Claes Ruthberg tendered their resignations amid the probe currently taking place into alleged insider trading conducted by former CEO, Anders Holmgren.

Mrs. Anna Bergius and Mr. Claes Ruthberg have today notified the chairman, Mr. Morten Klein, of their decision to resign from their assignments as members of the Board of Directors of Cherry AB (publ), effective immediately.

Their decision was based on receiving a notice from the Swedish Economic Crime Authority, informing the two board members about the authority’s suspicion of crime committed by them in connection with the investigation that was initiated in May 2018 of alleged insider crime carried out by the former CEO, Anders Holmgren. Both board members concluded that their decision is the best alternative for the company given the current situation.

Following the resignations by Anna Bergius and Claes Ruthberg the Cherry Board of Directors consists of four members. According the company’s Articles of Association, the board of directors shall comprise at least three and at most nine members. The Chairman of the Board, Morten Klein, has been in contact with the Nomination Committee to initiate the search for additional board members.

For further information, please contact:

Morten Klein, Chairman of Cherry AB, tel: +47 913 22 222, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Anders Antonsson, IR & Communications: +46 709 994 970, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.