Tabcorp to donate more than $1.5 million to bushfire relief
Tabcorp has announced that it will donate more than $1.5 million to bushfire recovery on behalf of its brands TAB, Sky Racing, the Lott, MAX and Keno. All of Tabcorp’s proceeds from the regular Saturday Lotto draw on 25 January will be donated to the bushfire relief effort, which is expected to be in excess of $1.5 million. The draw will be known as the Bushfire Benefit Draw.
“We offer our deepest sympathies to the many Australians that have lost loved ones, homes or their livelihood during this national crisis,” said Tabcorp CEO David Attenborough. “The Australian spirit has been truly inspirational throughout this ordeal and the Tabcorp Group is pleased to play its part in supporting the recovery effort.
”Tabcorp has also provided financial relief to hotels and clubs that have been directly impacted by bushfires and relief operations. This comes in addition to the $100,000 donation made by Tabcorp’s Keno brand to assist Team Rubicon in late 2019 in their efforts to clean and rebuild bushfire affected communities, particularly those who have lost property in Northern New South Wales. Tabcorp is also dollar matching donations made to bushfire relief charities by its 5,000 employees, as well as amending its existing volunteering policy to provide open-ended paid leave for volunteer firefighters and reservists throughout this time.“ "Many of our own people have been deeply impacted by these bushfires. We have partners in pubs, clubs, newsagents and retail outlets across New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia that have been devastated and we’re committed to providing as much support as we can during this difficult time,” Mr Attenborough said.Tickets in the Saturday Lotto Bushfire Benefit Draw, Saturday Lotto draw 4019 on Saturday 25 January 2020, are available at the Lott outlets across Australia (excluding Western Australia), online at or via the Lott app. ENDS
For Tabcorp media enquiries please contact Kate Fisher
About Tabcorp Tabcorp is a world-class diversified gambling entertainment group employing more than 5000 people. We manage iconic brands including the Lott, TAB, Sky Racing, MAX and Keno. Tabcorp is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. About Saturday Lotto Saturday Lotto is known as Saturday Gold Lotto in Queensland, Saturday Lotto in New South Wales and the ACT, TattsLotto in Victoria, Tasmania and the Northern Territory, and Saturday X Lotto in South Australia. The Lott, as part of the Tabcorp Group, incorporates Golden Casket, NSW Lotteries, Tatts and SA Lotteries, which are the licenced or authorised operators of lottery draws across all Australian states and territories, excluding Western Australia.