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Published: August 11, 2018

Arizona Gaming Designs Receives Approval From US Patent Office For Play Type Designed for lottery numbers games

For Immediate Release
August 7, 2018

Arizona Gaming Designs Receives Approval From US Patent Office For Play Type Designed for lottery numbers games

Arizona Gaming Designs, LLC announced today that the United States Patent Office has issued the patent for its unique play type. (USPTO Patent Number 10043349)

The play type was designed by Arizona Gaming Designs President, Ron Borruso as an enhancement to numbers games.

The Florida Lottery trademarked the name 1-OFF® that is used in several states.

A player can select the feature at the time of purchase.

If one or more of their numbers are – as the name implies – one digit off of winning numbers, they win a cash prize. All the possible numeric combinations with which they can win on are on the ticket.

“After spending over 30 years in the lottery industry and speaking with many lottery players, the most common complaint for online lottery players was ‘I never win!’,” says Borruso. “Players are looking for games that are easy to understand, easy to win, fun to play, and offer frequent winning experiences.”

With these criteria in mind, Borruso set out to develop a game enhancement that would give players exactly what they wanted. He collaborated with game design expert, Richard Mishelof of Games Design Consulting, LLC, on the final design of 1-OFF®.  Mishelof, a consultant with many years experience in designing and developing games for lotteries and major gaming industry vendors said, “Ron’s concept can provide more winning experiences than any other play type for lottery numbers players.”

1-OFF® is now available to lottery players in Kentucky, Florida, Missouri, Michigan, Georgia, Indiana and North Carolina. For more information about AGD, 1-OFF, or other AGD lottery games, please contact Fran Gruden at 412.596.1537 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.