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Published: November 25, 2018

Robots join security team at Pechanga Resort and Casino

Image result for Robots join security team at Pechanga Resort and Casino

TEMECULA CA November 23 2018

A California casino has deployed a new security officer to help keep an eye on safety.

As soon as you step into this casino, you’re being watched by a small army of security cameras, some like to call them the eye in the sky.

Pechanga Resort & Casino is already equipped with the necessary manpower, 300 security workers and thousands of cameras, but now they’re adding something revolutionary to their team.

Now, a new security officer named Buddy has joined the force.
The robot officer, patrols along side of human security staff, keeping an eye on all of the activity.

Chuck Konrath thought it looked like a scene out of the Jetsons saying, “I walked by and I asked somebody, what is that? They said, well, it’s a new security robot and whatever it was, it came by and kinda looked at me and I’m like, what!”

And Chuck is right, you’ll now see two robot security guards roaming the halls at Pechanga Resort and Casino.