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Published: April 12, 2019

Marcus Thomas Retains $9M Ohio Lottery Account Again

Cleveland-based indie agency Marcus Thomas has persevered one more time in its attempts to win the Ohio Lottery account.

The decision came after a competitive review; it’s not clear at this time which other agencies involved, though we feel safe saying they were all from Ohio.

Marcus Thomas has been around since 1937, and Ohio Lottery first started working with the agency at its inception 45 years ago in 1974. 12 year later the agency co-created “Cash Explosion,” the Lottery system’s live weekly TV show that still runs today.


Here’s a very interesting recent entry.

Marcus Thomas hasn’t always had the creative part of the business. That part went to Stern Advertising and then Northlich in 2009 before returning to its original shop, which kept the media throughout.

Since then, MT has made some fairly interesting work like this effort from 2017 about a guy named Ray.

Kantar Media has the Lottery spending $9.3 million on paid media in 2017 and $8.4 million in 2018. Marcus Thomas’s next campaign will launch later this year.