IGT Releases New Video White Paper “The Non-Player Point of View”
IGT has prepared a special five-minute video report presenting the unvarnished attitudes of non-, light, and lapsed players, drawn from a multiphase global study, Attracting New Players, currently being conducted by IGT and research partners KS&R. The key insights presented in this video are driving the second phase of research, currently underway, with findings to be released in a series of white papers throughout 2018.
What can non-players teach the industry about how to expand the base of lottery players? That’s the question driving our research. While mega-jackpots may draw new and non-regular players into the game for occasional play, sustaining the player base in the future will demand more than a fleeting attraction.
The initial, qualitative phase of the study was recently completed using a leading-edge research protocol in which participants submitted individual video diaries self-recorded on their own devices. This approach allowed respondents to give feedback from an environment of their choosing, on their own schedule, and over a longer period (in this case, approximately one week), yielding more detailed, honest feedback than is typically possible in a focus-group setting.
Knowing what value lottery does and does not currently provide can aid in rethinking and refreshing critical aspects of the lottery proposition for tomorrow, from new approaches to game design to the brand positioning of lottery itself.
View the full video report above and download the printed companion below to learn more about the research.