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Published: November 18, 2024

National Lottery plays musical scratch cards at Christmas


National Lottery plays musical scratch cards at Christmas

Allwyn and VCCP have found a place for the National Lottery among a family’s Christmas traditions, creating a rowdy game of musical Scratchcards around the table as part of a campaign that puts the emphasis on togetherness away from smartphones and other devices.

The game idea comes out of customer research about how people play the lottery, and the togetherness theme also features on shorter social media videos of real community groups like cold-water enthusiasts Deal Dippers (bottom), and a Swindon Skaters collective who all have Scratchcards traditions at Christmas.

Steve Parkinson, brand and marketing director at Allwyn, said: “Christmas is all about shared moments, many times involving games and a healthy dose of competitiveness. National Lottery Scratchcards are all about adding some fun and excitement – so are the perfect thing to bring along to festive gatherings. Hopefully some big festive winners will be made, but of course, each moment of play also contributes to UK Good Causes – so it really is a win-win.”

Darren Bailes, global CCO at VCCP, said: “We did a piece of research all about National Lottery Scratchcards – and learnt the weird and wonderful games, and traditions that people already have. This work will share those ideas with everyone, in the hope that more traditions and games are invented. The cast was stellar and Steve, our director, brought out some incredible performances in the film.”

The campaign, with media by Hearts & Science, includes a foldable Christmas card and a gift tag Scratchcard as well as a takeover of WH Smith in Victoria Station.

As the National Lottery celebrates its 20th anniversary, VCCP has found a smart new relevance for the brand and approached it with humour. This year, dreams of riches are replaced by a portrayal of what real luck looks like: being able to have a good time with your loved ones at Christmas.

MAA creative scale: 8


A new National Lottery ad shows people how to make Christmas a little less ‘Bob Cratchit’ and a lot more ‘Scratch it’.

‘Scratch it’.

In the ad a family is sitting around a dining table after finishing their traditional Christmas feast. Instead of pulling crackers and exchanging gifts, they play a fun game involving National Lottery Scratchcards.

As music plays in the background, National Lottery Scratchcards are passed among the family members and guests. When the music stops, the lucky person holding the Scratchcard gets to scratch it off and see if they’ve won an incredible National Lottery prize.

The heartwarming seasonal ad shows how people can add some play to Christmas with Scratchcards from The National Lottery. You can watch the ad below:

The National Lottery has been changing the lives of winners and supporting good causes across the UK since 1994. In that time, there have been more than 7,400 new millionaires created and by playing The National Lottery you raise over £4 million for Good Causes every dayΔ.