Online October 29, 2021 A WLA and ALA event -Women's Initiative in Lottery Leadership - Africa
October 29, 2021
A WLA and ALA event
13:00 - 15:00 (Casablanca, GMT +1)
14:00 - 16:00 (Lausanne, GMT +2)
Language of this event: French
This event is in French only.
WILL is an initiative launched in 2016 by Rebecca Paul Hargrove , President of the World Lottery Association, to encourage the development of female leadership in the lottery industry.
The creation of WILL Africa in July 2019 acknowledges ALA's awareness of the issues related to the necessary strengthening of female leadership within the African continent.
This first Webinar around the theme of female leadership and empowerment will be moderated by Sylvère-Henry Cissé and will see the participation of three women with an exceptional career. They will share their experiences to highlight the place of women and inspire the community.
About Sylvère-Henry Cissé
Sylvère-Henry Cissé, founded and manages 6C Conseil, a strategy and communication consultancy agency. Author of contributions for Le Point Afrique, Forbes, MACAAL and the ACHAC research group, Sylvère-Henry Cissé has a rich and transmedia background. He works on many subjects ranging from culture to sport, including social issues. He is also an author and producer of documentaries, particularly around the issues of black populations.
In addition, trainer for adults in speaking in France and Africa, Sylvère-Henry Cissé has taught communication and journalism in various higher education establishments, notably at the National Audiovisual Institute, at EICAR, international school of cinema, at INSEEC and at La Sorbonne. Sylvère-Henry Cissé is the author of "Rap en Nord"