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Published: March 8, 2020

La Française des Jeux (FDJ) scored a 99/100 for 2019 in France’s gender equality index, created by the Avenir Professionnel (professional future) law

MARCH 6, 2020


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Boulogne, March 6 - Professional equality is at the heart of FDJ's human resources policy. When its 2019 results were published, the Group reaffirmed its very strong commitment to promoting gender equality and professional equality between women and men.

  • A score of 99/100 on the gender equality index

FDJ SA obtained for 2019 a score of 99/100 on the index established by the Avenir Professionnel law in 2018, which now concerns companies with 50 or more employees. FDJ thus increased its result by 15 points compared to the previous year.

  • 41% female managers

In accordance with its commitment made within the framework of the "JFD Manifesto" for an "inclusive digital world  " , signed in April 2019, the percentage of women managers is now almost equivalent to the percentage of women in the company (41% compared to 43% ), including within the General Management Committee.

  • A sharp reduction in pay gaps

In addition to the measures taken in terms of professional career, the gender pay gaps have been the subject of analysis and action for several years. Thus, a specific budget dedicated to catching up with salary made it possible to achieve, in 2019, a score of 39 out of 40 on this item of the Pénicaud index.

"These good scores go through both the strengthening of the number of women in the highest positions, but also by permanent attention to equal pay during recruitment and annual salary reviews , " says Pierre-Marie Argouarc'h , Director of Employee Experience and Transformation of the FDJ group.

A lasting commitment

Since 2017, FDJ has also held the “Professional Equality” label with certification from Afnor, which attests to the company's commitment to promoting diversity and preventing any form of discrimination. FDJ will negotiate in 2020 a new company agreement on inclusion and quality of life to support and enrich this commitment .

The FDJ group is also taking advantage of the month of March to continue raising awareness among all Group employees. On the occasion of International Women's Rights Day and for the fifth consecutive year, FDJ offers them a book on gender equality. This year, this is the work “  Brain, sex and power  ” by Catherine Vidal and Dorothée Benoit Browaey for the Group and its French subsidiaries, and “  Delusions of gender: how our minds, society, and neurosexism create difference  ”from Cordelia Fine for Anglo-Saxon employees.