International Women’s Day 2024: Advancing Gender Equality as an Opportunity. And a Collective Effort
International Women’s Day 2024
Advancing Gender Equality as an Opportunity. And a Collective Effort.
Brussels, 8 March 2024 – The European Lotteries (EL) believe sustainability topics such as diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are of crucial importance in the workplace, not only for the advancement of society but also to ensure fairness and inclusion for all.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, EL is proud to announce the launch of its DEI Growth Environment – a learning module for its Members – to amplify the importance of gender inclusivity. DEI drives organisational success by unlocking the potential and creativity of diverse talents while building stronger communities. It is all about making a change – a change in mindset, awareness and skills.
‘’International Women’s Day isn’t just about women’s rights or creating a fair society. It is a collective opportunity - it is about our ability to leverage knowledge and skills more effectively, says Romana Girandon, President & CEO, Loterija Slovenije and President of EL. ‘’Let’s use this day as a catalyst for positive change, in our personal, professional and social lives and breathe the spirit of it into our every-day.’’
Despite a gender-balanced workforce of over 51,000 employees in the EL Membership, only 32 percent of women hold management positions. Romana says, ’’Data shows that companies with diverse cultures and more than 30 percent female leadership representation are likely to outperform their less diverse peers - in creativity and innovation, better decision-making, better risk management and higher return on capital’’.
DEI are essential for creating and sustaining a thriving and innovative society and the new learning module is an important tool to unite EL Members in advocating for the inclusion of all genders in key positions in the lottery sector. True change will only happen once ingrained societal patterns are changed, and we can collectively create an environment where all individuals, regardless of gender feel safe, valued and heard.
In addition to EL’s work on the DEI Growth Environment, for several years, the Association has pioneered the Women’s Initiative in Lottery Leadership (WiLL) Mentoring Programme in Europe. More and more male colleagues are stepping up to get involved and advocate for the advancement of women into top positions of lottery management. This example demonstrates that change is possible and a drive for the future.
[1] DEI Growth Environment on the EL Learning Platform (for EL Members only) https://europeanlotteries.flow
[2] EL Press release https://www.european-lotteries
About The European Lotteries (EL) is the European umbrella organissation of national lotteries operating games of chance for the public benefit in more than 40 European countries with around 50 Members in all EU Member States. It is the largest and most representative lottery and gambling sector’s organisation in Europe whose members only operate in those jurisdictions in which they are licensed and where they comply with the legal requirements. EL stands for the sound and sustainable gaming model for the benefit of society based on the values of responsibility, sustainability, and integrity. Over 2022, the money contributed to society by all the members of EL amounted to just over 22 billion euros, a year-on-year growth of a little over 11%.
Contact: Lucy Lenaers-Mathieson, EL Communications Officer, E-mail: lucy.mathieson@european-lotter
Lucy Lenaers-Mathieson
Communications Officer
Avenue des Nerviens 9-31, 1040 Brussels (B)
M +32 470 847 573
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