ITB: Invtitation to Bid: Provide Intralot Gaming Terminal Consumables for use by the Ohio Lottery Commission


1.1 OBJECTIVE: The State of Ohio (“State”), via the Ohio Department of Administrative Services ("DAS"), Office of State Printing ("State Printing"), desires to obtain Minority Business Enterprise (“MBE”) contractor services to provide gaming terminal consumables and related delivery services to meet the requirements of the Ohio Lottery Commission ("Lottery"). The Lottery anticipates annual orders under the contract of: 320,000 rolls of printed, on-line gaming terminal, thermal roll ticket stock. The State, however, does not guarantee the number of gaming terminal consumables that will be ordered, and advises all responding contractors of the possibility that changes, additions or deletions to on-line Lottery games may significantly increase or decrease the amount of thermal roll ticket stock ordered under the contract. If a contract is awarded, the selected contractor is required to provide products and services for a nineteen (19) month period through the end of fiscal year 2020 from December 1, 2018 to June 30, 2020. Pursuant to Section 2.12, the State, through the Director of DAS, reserves the right to renew the contract, with mutually agreed to modifications, for a two (2) year period, (July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022), with four (4) optional two-year extension periods beyond its expiration. Such contract renewal terms shall expire June 30, 2024, June 30, 2026, June 30, 2028 and June 30, 2030, respectively. With their bid, responding contractors are expected to provide the State with technical and financial information, and will be required to demonstrate their capabilities in order that an evaluation of the information, products, services, and responsiveness may be made in expectation of awarding a contract. If a contract is awarded as a result of this Invitation to Bid, ("ITB"), the first order of gaming terminal consumables must be produced and delivered by January 11, 2019, or any other subsequent date established by the Executive Director.


 Job Number:PR1904 

Closing Date:Tuesday, August 21, 2018 11:00 AM E.S.T.


Previous job PR0910

Quantity:see bid

Delivery Date:

Friday, January 11, 2019

Print Specialist:Tim Riley

Download a PDF file:More Info

1. DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) is to obtain a primary and secondary contractor to provide Intralot Gaming Terminal Consumables for use by the Ohio Lottery Commission.

2. SCOPE OF CONTRACT: Printing under Category 125, includes state agencies’ requirements for varying quantities of thermal roll ticket stock. There shall be no charge for the first requested proof. For second and subsequent proofs, see State of Ohio, Instructions, Terms and Conditions for Bidding, Additional Specifications, Section 11 Artwork. Bidders are advised to carefully read all sections of this ITB.


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