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Published: October 3, 2021

Massachusetts State Lottery bet slips impacted by COVID; Keno and other draw games could be impacted

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted supplies of toilet paper, bottled water and paper towels. Soon it could be impacting the Massachusetts State Lottery.

 Lottery Executive Director Michael Sweeney told the Lottery Commission on Tuesday that there is a possible shortage of bet slips, 

 “This is a direct quote from one of our bet slip providers: ‘I’ve never seen this before. The paper company cannot fill my order and they are not accepting new orders.’  And obviously, without them getting the raw supply of paper, they are having difficulty meeting the needs of their customers like the Mass. Lottery,” Sweeney said, according to the news service. “This does have the potential to impact operations for Keno and other draw games.”

Typically the lottery uses recycled paper for the bet slips but with the delays it is looking into non-recycled paper, the news service reported.

 The Massachusetts State Lottery just announced it produced $1.112 billion in 

 The pandemic had significantly impacted the lottery and during the fiscal year 2020 had a net profit of $986.9 million. But now, despite the pandemic continuing, their numbers are up again.

In total there were 208 prizes won that were valued at $1 million or more, which also included 38 prizes valued at $2 million or more.