Published: December 3, 2021

Launching the Women's Initiative in Lottery Leadership 2022 Mentorship Program

Congratulations to May Scheve Reardon, Executive Director, Missouri Lottery for taking the reigns of the Women's Initiative in Lottery Leadership Mentorship Program in 2022.  This program will launch in January of 2022.  So as quickly as possible please review the slides for the 2022 program and timeline.  Then fill out either the Mentee Form or the Mentor Form and send it in to us to get matched. 

Click Here to download the slides for the 2022 Women in Lottery Leadership Mentorship Program.

Please see the links to the MENTEE form DOWNLOAD NEW MENTEE FORM  HERE  

MENTOR form  DOWNLOAD NEW MENTOR FORM HERE and fill them out and send them in as quickly as possible. Save the form to your computer desktop under your name and please Email your form to

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You will be matched by Rebecca and May and be ready to start the WILL 2022 Program

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