Published: April 30, 2020

Brian Rockey, Director, Nebraska Lottery and Charitable Gaming Division

Brian Rockey, Director, Nebraska Lottery and Charitable Gaming Division

Adapting to the post-COVID-19 World 

Aside from the new ways to sell tickets that might arise from our pandemic experiences, I think the industry may have new ways of thinking of its relationship with retailer and player customers.


While hours of operation and store traffic patterns have been altered, the level of consumer demand for lottery tickets may reinforce for retailers the merits of featuring games, and not just carrying them.  For some Instant products, the entertainment value may be even more evident than before as customers with extra time on their hands look for games to play.  Perhaps game design, merchandising and marketing of those products could take on new characteristics.


Pickup and delivery of remote orders help many businesses stay relevant during pandemic restrictions, and it may be that such services remain as more than just conveniences for customers after restrictions are eased.  The inclusion of lottery products in such offerings (particularly when draw schedules are involved) could help add a dimension to that evolving form of customer service.


Analysis of sales and traffic data during the pandemic can help lotteries and their retail partners identify best practices and create opportunities to deliver useful and compelling information to policymakers.


In addition to the public health aspects of the pandemic (sanitation, distancing, testing, monitoring, etc.) the “new normal” will include looking at different methods of doing business, not necessarily replacing traditional methods but supplementing them.


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