Public Gaming Magazine Sept/Oct 2021

62 PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021 Regulated digital games integrated into a retail environment offer more direct player protection, personal controls on age, daily spend and excessive gambling. ABACUS DIGITAL Abacus Digital is a seamlessly integrated progressive app that can be embedded directly into an existing retailer’ or lottery mobile application. At Abacus we have always focused on sim- plicity and foremost improving the customer experience. With Abacus Digital we continue to embrace that ethos by integrating our mobile platform directly into the retailers’ existing ecosystems without changing the way their systems operationally and finan- cially work. In this way, we are able to drive new and exciting digital games and services through existing retail owned mobile applica- tions without the need to break out of the retailer’s environment. To ensure take up of the solution, Abacus leverages the consumer’s familiarity with the current method of sell- ing through a lottery terminal, such that the entire process of game purchase, validation and prize pay-out, for both digital instant and draw based games, is similar to what consumers are used to today. However, through Abacus’ inte- gration into the retail ecosystem, we are able to expand this experi- ence to utilise the cash register in-lane or at self-service to include lottery sales as part of the regular shopping experience (including validation and redemption where required). With Abacus Digital, consumers can either choose to play anonymously or register with the app (depending on the need and what the regulation stipulates). Once registered, the player can take advantage of customised game play and guaranteed prize pay outs. For the lottery and retailer, having additional information about player behaviour enables them to customise the customer experience and offer follow-on options and promotions which will also help drive the consumer back to the retail store for further purchases. Abacus Digital mobile applications and gameplay can be fully customised, allow- ing for retail / FMCG branding, as well as improving the relationship with the reseller. Geolocation can also tell where the consumer is shopping, allowing the ability to push notifications and drive very localised promo- tions. We can also integrate the solution into specific retail loyalty programs and offer unique merchandising prizes as part of the game play. DIGITAL RETAIL: EN- ABLES YOU TO SAY NO TO THE ISSUES AROUND LOTTERY TODAY In conclusion, Digital Retail and Abacus Digital can and will help drive lottery to challenge future consumer trends, experience and behaviour. So, you cannot say NO to digital retail. The move to either a purely digital platform or an integrated mix of digital and brick and motor sales can help drive operational processes and reduce labour. With an integrated platform you can say- • NO to physicality and logistics issues • NO to stock issues and shortages • NO to theft and shrinkage issues • NO to accounting issues The Abacus integrated suite of solutions provides a quick and easy way to introduce both traditional games and exciting new games into the market, expanding your sales coverage by using the existing infrastructure that is already in place through a vast retailer ecosystem. By embracing and working with retailers to make this happen it not only increases everyone’s sales, reduces labor, in- creases profit margins; but it also strengthens the retailer relationship and acceptance of the lottery category. Mobiles are everywhere, make sure your lottery is everywhere too! n #LotteryEverywhere #BeEverywhere