Public Gaming International Magazine November/December 2024

6 PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2024 Visit Our Family Of Websites industry news & information videos of conference presentations PGRI conference information magazine archive of past issues listing of lotteries and vendors Showcase of industry honorees recognized by the Lottery Industry Hall of Fame PGRI Lifetime Achievement Award Sharp Award for Good Causes Lottery Industry Statesman and Stateswoman Award Rebecca Paul Mentorship Award Collaboration Award Subscribe To Our Free Digital Newsletters Receive our daily newsletters at no charge, published 5 times a week to bring you the latest breaking news in the global lottery industry. Send an e-mail to: with “add to Daily Digest list” in the subject line. FEATURED ARTICLES CONTINUED 8 FROM THE PUBLISHER Paul Jason 14 GAMING AND LOTTERY PREDICTIONS FOR 2025, (WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM NEIL YOUNG LYRICS AND SONGS) Simon Jaworski, Founder & CEO, Lotto Research 48 PULSE OF THE INDUSTRY: Synopsis of recent gaming industry news DEPARTMENTS 22 ANIMAL INSTINCT: MAKING NEXT-LEVEL EINSTANTS A ROARING SUCCESS IGT 24 PHOTO COLLAGE OF THE PGRI HALL OF FAME CEREMONY AT THE WORLD LOTTERY SUMMIT PARIS 26 TURNING LVM’S INTO MVP’S, PART 3: INTRODUCING NEW ANALYTICS TOOLS TO SUPPORT VENDING OPTIMIZATION ─ PLUS, THE CASE FOR CASHLESS IGT LOTTO LOTTO LOTTO LOTTO LOTTO LOTTO LOTTO SCRATCH AND WIN 4 6 1 4 4 3 3 3 4 2 6 6 1 3 3 2 2 2 ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL ROLL 4 5 1 5 3 5 , , THE POSSIBILITIES ARE INFINITY 30 HALO: BOOSTING RETAIL VISIBILITY TO ILLUMINATE LOTTERY SALES Pollard Banknote 32 FULL STEAM AHEAD: IGT EXPANDS ITS FLAGSHIP AFTER SCHOOL ADVANTAGE PROGRAM 34 PHOTO COLLAGE OF THE NASPL (NORTH AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE AND PROVINCIAL LOTTERIES) ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN KANSAS CITY 39 HOW THEY DID IT: NEW MEXICO LOTTERY WINS NASPL BEST NEW INSTANT TICKET GAME AWARD FOR THE THIRD YEAR IN A ROW SCRATCHER “Serving up Fun since 1996” Guy Fieri Flavortown Fortune! Food has a place in everyone’s life. After all, everybody’s got to eat. New Mexico is no stranger to food favorites. For years the New Mexico Lottery has featured chiles on Lottery games, a beloved staple here in New Mexico. We even have an official state question about the chile: “Red or Green?” Meanwhile, cooking shows, baking shows, eating shows, and diner themes abound in the video-content stratosphere. One such popular foodie, Guy Fieri, has visited New Mexico numerous times to feature favorite places and beloved meals. This licensed property was so yummy we thought our players would think it was irresistible! Best New Instant Game 18 42