Public Gaming International Magazine November/December 2024

27 PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2024 the data needed for typical space-to-sales analysis.” A composite Index based on IGT LVM lotteries will provide a national price-point average, updated periodically, which jurisdictions can then benchmark against. Based on an individual lottery’s needs, users can analyze the Index in various ways, including by retailer style, retail chain, or even by a particular area of a state. IGT analysts are now incorporating further chain-specific data and peer-state comparisons in preparation to share the Index with the industry. “Because each jurisdiction has its own unique planogram, with some price point differences, the tool can filter to include only the relevant price points for the jurisdiction being analyzed,” explains Kriger. In addition, the PPI can be calculated for different bin capacity LVMs to “normalize” the index and provide more actionable data. “Lotteries routinely look at KPIs such as sales, penetration, out of stocks, and new game activations,” notes Riley. “The Price Point Index has the potential to be another very useful KPI by identifying variations within top chains or trade styles, which can be used to address underperformance and refocus on optimized planograms.” For example, in two jurisdictions with similar price point offerings and similar LVMs, the jurisdiction with the higher PPI will be outperforming its peer — which can trigger analysis as to why. Market Basket Analysis: “What Games Are Purchased Together at an LVM?” IGT’s Market Basket Analysis tool uses session purchase data from individual LVMs to enable another entirely new type of data query on LVM performance: What games are purchased together at a machine? This session data, processed through IGT’s Lottery Data Cloud, enables a wide array of data queries on its own — and when fed into IGT’s newly developed Market Basket Analysis dashboard (see figure), it allows users such as lottery instant product managers and sales reps to easily see what games are purchased with other games within the same session at a given LVM — as well as sales by price point, by quantity, by retailer, and more. The dashboard allows users to look at individual games and determine which is most popular; to look at all the different games that are bought with a particular price point; or to look at the data by theme or by specific family of games, leading to all-new insights on player behavior and preferences. To offer a hypothetical example: A month’s Market Basket data might reveal that $5 games are most often bought with other $5 games across the LVMs in a jurisdiction; and that when one especially popular $5 game was purchased, 54% of the time the player bought another $5 game. The dashboard also reveals those other game titles. The user can query what other price points are bought with a particular game and price point, and more. There is an option to filter results by specific terminal types as well. By understanding these types of purchase patterns, a jurisdiction can identify crosspromotional opportunities: For instance, if In this example of IGT’s new Price Point Index, States A and B are performing above the $12.50 average found among five peer states.