Public Gaming Magazine May/June 2024

6 PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • MAY/JUNE 2024 Visit Our Family Of Websites industry news & information videos of conference presentations PGRI conference information magazine archive of past issues listing of lotteries and vendors Showcase of industry honorees recognized by the Lottery Industry Hall of Fame PGRI Lifetime Achievement Award Sharp Award for Good Causes Lottery Industry Statesman and Stateswoman Award Rebecca Paul Mentorship Award Collaboration Award Subscribe To Our Free Digital Newsletters Receive our daily newsletters at no charge, published 5 times a week to bring you the latest breaking news in the global lottery industry. Send an e-mail to: with “add to Daily Digest list” in the subject line. FE ATURED I NT ERV I EWS & AR T I CL ES 8 FROM THE PUBLISHER Paul Jason 18 LOTTERIES IN EUROPE: A CULTURAL CORNERSTONE, SOCIAL CONTRIBUTOR, AND ECONOMIC ENTITY, A SYNOPSIS OF SEMINAL COLLOQUIUM HELD IN BRUSSELS 22 IS LOTTERY’S BATTLE TO REMAIN TOP-OF-MIND AMONG AMERICANS ONLY JUST BEGINNING? Simon Jaworski, Founder & CEO, Lotto Research 42 SCENES FROM THE EL/WLA MARKETING SEMINAR, LONDON: Photo Collage 44 SCENES FROM THE ICE TOTALLY GAMING SHOW, LONDON: Photo Collage 46 PULSE OF THE INDUSTRY: Synopsis of recent gaming industry news D E PA R T M E N T S 20 LEVERAGING THE POWER OF BRAND LOTTERY: ARTICLE IS BASED ON A PANEL DISCUSSION OF FIVE MUSL DIRECTORS David Barden, CEO of the New Mexico Lottery and President of MUSL Stephen Durrell, Executive Director, Kansas Lottery Jay Finks, Executive Director, Oklahoma Lottery Norm Lingle, Executive Director, South Dakota Lottery Bret Toyne, Executive Director, MUSL 23 THE FUTURE OF ILOTTERY: PREDICTIONS FOR 2030 NEOGAMES 25 LEADING WITH GRATITUDE: ARTICLE BASED ON A PANEL DISCUSSION HELD AT THE PGRI SMART-TECH CONFERENCE IN FORT LAUDERDALE, FL. 26 REVOLUTIONIZING LOTTERY WITH SCIENCE: AN INSIDE LOOK AT THE TOOLS THAT POWER PROFITS SCIENTIFIC GAMES 30 MAXIMIZING PERFORMANCE OF LVMS: TURNING LOTTERY VENDING MACHINES INTO MVPS IGT 42 18 44