Public Gaming Magazine May/June 2024

31 PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • MAY/JUNE 2024 a difference of 30-40+% increase in net total sales when there is an LVM,” he says. The data also revealed that while the #1 lottery retailer in the U.S. had the most sales, it also had the lowest percentage of LVM penetration. When Desautels compared the average weekly lottery sales in the retailer’s stores with an LVM versus those without one, “again, it was a night-and-day difference. In many cases there are almost double the sales when the retailer has an LVM in that store to complement the salescounter offering.” The analysis catalyzed the retailer’s interest in exploring the opportunities in various jurisdictions. Desautels facilitated a conversation between the retailer’s National Lottery Category Manager and Washington’s Lottery team, which had some LVMs in inventory as well as a number of new IGT GameTouch™ 28 units to deploy. As a result of the discussions, the Lottery initiated a small pilot beginning in July of 2023, adding an LVM to six of the retailer’s locations. “Very soon, we started seeing the types of results in those locations that had been projected by IGT’s analysis,” notes Ron Smerer, Director of Sales & Marketing for Washington’s Lottery. This successful pilot is now being expanded to another 20+ locations in the state. In another jurisdiction that is now engaged in a similar pilot, Desautels found that the difference in lottery sales between the retailer’s locations with no LVM units versus one unit was about $17,000 per week. “This retailer has nearly two thousand locations in the state and less than a dozen of them have LVMs,” he observes. “If they were to deploy in just 10% of them — multiply the differential per week, per store — the case is very clear.” Bringing More Dimension to the Data It’s not uncommon for lotteries to have some number of LVMs in inventory going unused for various reasons. One of the tools that can support lotteries in assessing the opportunities and determining how best to deploy them is IGT’s Retail Market Insights (RMI) database, available at no cost to all U.S. lotteries that choose to participate. RMI currently covers 29 U.S. jurisdictions and more than 85% of U.S. traditional lottery sales. RMI-partner lotteries have access to state-specific and multi-jurisdictional data, as well as a set of monthly consolidated reports and a dedicated staff of analysts and other specialists who support users with a range of tactical and strategic applications, including LVM optimization. Any lottery that is an RMI partner and provides LVM data can work with IGT to access the relevant data, insights, and other support. What now makes the RMI data even more actionable is IGT’s Data and the analysis to aid in LVM optimization is available to any lottery participating in IGT’s Retail Market Insights (RMI) database. With data on 29 states – both IGT and non-IGT – and more than 176,000 U.S. retailers, RMI gives lottery and retailer decision makers the tools to analyze lottery performance trends within and across jurisdictions, including comparing retailer and geographic attributes that impact performance to identify consumer trends and optimize existing lottery locations.