4 PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • MAY/JUNE 2023 Publisher & Chief Executive Of cer Paul Jason pjason@publicgaming.com President Susan Jason sjason@publicgaming.com Brand and Design Dan Eggers Design Lottery Industry Consultant Jim Acton Honored Founders Doris & Duane Burke Subscriptions United States: $145 USD Canada & Mexico: $160 USD All other countries: $225 USD For email address changes, subscription requests and requests to be placed on our e-Newsletter distribution list, e-mail Susan Jason at sjason@publicgaming.com Contact Information PGRI, Inc. 1769 Flagstone Terrace, The Villages, FL 32162 PublicGaming.com T: +425.449.3000 F: +206.374.2600 Public Gaming International Magazine Published six times a year and distributed to readers all around the world. Electronic version is e-mailed and is also available on our news website: PublicGaming.com May/June 2023 Volume 52, Issue 3 ©2022 all rights reserved. Public Gaming Research Institute cISSN: 1042-1912 18 A Contemporary Perspective on Driving Lottery Growth Melissa Pursley Senior Vice President of Lottery Product and Sales Development, IGT 20 On Growing a Trusted, Global Brand and Business Robert Chvátal, Chief Executive Of cer, Allwyn Entertainment 12 The purpose of AI is to amplify human potential Dr. Ayesha Khanna, World Lottery Summit Keynote Speech 14 Planning Strategically for Disruptive Innovation and Digital Transformation Jim Harris, World Lottery Summit Keynote Speech 22 Truth and Integrity Matter: Scienti c Games Successfully Completes GLI Audit Scienti c Games 26 The Future of Lottery through the eyes of the player Michelle Carney, Vice President Global Lottery Marketing, IGT CONTENTS M AY / J U N E 2 0 2 3 F E A T U R E D I N T E R V I E W S 18 20 F E A T U R E D A R T I C L E S 36 26