Public Gaming International May/June 2020

74 PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • MAY/JUNE 2020 THE PROBLEM & THE SOLUTION ree problems are driving the decline of the big National Games. 1. e di cult challenge of winning a signi cant prize 2. e small number of signi cant prize winners 3. e infrequency of winning experiences for the average player Overcome these obstacles and we have a winning game again. Easier said than done? No. It’s done. at is the value proposition of the pooling option which targets these issues head-on. A 10-Play Pooling Option gives players 10X as many chances to win, TRIPLES the total number of signi cant prize winners, and delivers to the players a winning experience every 2.5 drawings. The Pooling Ticket is comprised of two parts: A REQUIRED purchase of at least 1 wholly-owned play, AND the pooling option: a 10% share of 10 more plays (PoolPlays TM ) for an additional $2 (see illustration of Pooling Ticket). ere is no discounting. Each play is paid for in full. The value of the Pooling Option is based on multiple research studies including a 1400 player study by Crestwood Associates that concludes while players do want to play for the huge jackpot, a majority of them would also spend an extra $2 for 10 more plays to win a 10% share of the same huge jackpot plus other great prizes. Currently, however, there are NO options in Powerball or Mega Millions that target the millions of players, who are willing to pay extra for a share of the jackpot. e pooling option will provide players with the best of both worlds: playing for the BIG Jackpot while dramatically increasing their odds to win a life- changing prize plus other great prizes. The logic is simple: Who wouldn’t be happy to win $2,000,000, $5,000,000, or $10,000,000? Whose life wouldn’t be transformed by winning a Multi-Million Dollar Prize? Even 10% of the $1,000,000 prize ($100,000) would be a windfall. Additionally, like all plays, every play in the pool o ers 9 ways to win. us, the pooling ticket o ers 10 more plays with 90 new ways to win for only $2. It should be no surprise that research supports pooling to be a signi cant opportunity to grow sales by as much as 25%. Create More Millionaires from the Jackpot Prize Fund. How? With the pooling option, the SAME fund can be used to create 10 New Multi-Million Dollar Prizes that are 10X easier to win. e money is already available. Why not use it and make lots of Multi- Millionaires? Technology is Key. Pooling is a long established and proven way to play. It’s as old as the games themselves, but pools are hard to nd and di cult to assemble. Ask yourself - If you wanted to join a pool right now, where would you nd it? e PoolingPLUS TM pooling technology brings the Horse & Buggy o ce-pool process into the 21st Century, making pooling as simple as buying a ticket – always available, always anonymous, and a lot more exciting. The Pooling Ticket Option is a Local Offering. As such, it can be implemented by any state as a promotion without requiring any game changes by any other state. JUMP-START POWERBALL ® & MEGA MILLIONS SALES Breathe life back into the most valuable flagship games with a Pooling Ticket Option that creates more Multi-Millionaires and gives millions of inactive and core players an affordable way to get a lot more chances to win.