51 PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • JULY/AUGUST 2023 LOTTERIES RESHAPING THE GAMES-OF-CHANCE INDUSTRY PGRI Conferences are about pushing fearlessly into a future that is rich with opportunity. Team Lottery is keeping up with a consumer that expects more than ever and a competitive environment that is changing rapidly to meet those expectations. n Conference Info & Details: www.PublicGaming.org n News website: www.PublicGaming.com n View vide-recorded presentations: www.PGRItalks.com n e-mail: Pjason@PublicGaming.com S TAT E - LOT T ER I E S BU I LD I NG A BE T T ER WOR LD September 11, Monday: Opening Night Reception September 12, Tuesday: Conference Sessions all day, followed by Reception September 13, Wednesday: PGRI Conference Sessions conclude at 12:30 pm. PGRI LOTTERY EXPO NASHVILLE 2023 SEPTEMBER 11, 12, 13 NASHV I LLE , TENNESSEE T H E W NA SH V I L L E HO T E L LOTTERY EXPO NA SHV I L L E 2 0 2 3