Public Gaming International Gaming July/August 2021

39 PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • JULY/AUGUST 2021 T here is no shortage of activity to keep a lot- tery's system provider busy. Even the day-to- day machinations of running a multi-million- dollar business are enough to strain the resources of a tech group. However, no matter what is put on a lottery's plate, there is one thing that doesn't change - the mandate to raise money for good causes. One way to ensure that players are engaged and playing is to offer new and exciting content. But adding new content often collides with the workload strains just discussed. How can the need for revenue- generating content survive in a world of finite support time? Enter EQL Games (formerly EquiLottery Games) and our new technology offering which allows us to operate as Sec- ondary Systems Partner to lotteries. Now your systems provider can focus on its core duties while EQL Games is working on new content and technology which will strengthen the lottery’s product offerings and, ultimately, attract new players. Most people in lottery know EQL Games as the company that created the industry’s first lottery game based on the outcome of live sports. Well, those games are still avail- able with the same partners - MLB, NBA, NHL, NASCAR, Team USA, and others. But it was the integration with lottery systems in our quest to get these games live that led to the cre- ation of Secondary Systems Partner technology. For decades, the lottery industry has operated on each lottery having a single development calendar they crafted with their systems provider. When each state only offered one multi-state game, and there were no multipliers, no instant draw games, no third-party integrations, and no iLottery…it worked. In today’s world of dynamic product offerings and the need to quickly change content to respond to a changing marketplace, the development funnel is full and, in many cases, clogged. We have seen this firsthand at EQL Games. Over the past five years we’ve met with just about every U.S. lottery and have traveled down the path to implementation of our products. But the path to implement- ing a new draw game is more peril- ous than that of launching scratch games. The need to focus on the current core games creates detours that put the journey on an unknown length towards any new draw game's final destination. Enter the Secondary Development Calendar. We have created technol- ogy that doesn’t compete with your current systems provider but rather allows the vendor to focus on its primary responsibilities while new content is being developed. This allows lotteries to create and launch innovative products while avoiding “this or that” discussions. Lotteries can now launch innovative, revenue- generating products in a timely manner. This new way of looking at product development is achieved through our GLI-certified Secondary Draw System (SDS) and Integration Hub – technol- ogy through which new products can be built and launched following the timeline of a Secondary Develop- ment Calendar. And this is done not in competition with your current systems provider but rather in consultation. When ready, a simple API connects the Integration Hub to your system, and the new products delivered through our SDS are ready for market. As the world quickly moves technol- ogy to mobile devices, these tech- nologies can also help with mobile development. A dedicated secondary technology provider allows lotteries to keep pace with the latest mobile developments. Specific mobile and web applications can be launched which create maximum player engagement and allow for the launch of add-ons that will attract players to the lottery. While EQL Games is interested in working with lotteries on the potential to add a secondary systems partner, there are a few key qualities lotteries should consider when looking for such a partner: - Strong technology team able to develop in current code and technique for efficient develop- ment. - Industry provider who un- derstands the strengths and weaknesses of how lotteries are currently constructed. - Game studio that allows for next level content creation. - Vision for what the future holds in lottery and gaming. Fortunately, we know a vendor who checks each of these boxes... For more information on how a Secondary Systems Partner and an Integration Hub can help lotteries maximize the product offerings to their players, please contact me at or (502) 644-1454. HOW A SECOND LOTTERY DEVELOPMENT CALENDAR LEADS TO GREATER RESULTS Brad Cummings CEO & Founder, EQL Games Third day of Powerball... Double Play offered as Powerball add-on… Lucky For Life now seven days/week... In-state draw game changes... ADVANTAGES OF A SECONDARY DRAW SYSTEM (SDS) Faster and less expensive game development Financial flexibility to pilot more game types Ability to seamlessly offer multi-state pooling for progressives More easily develop existing game add-ons Changes made to multi-state games won't slow down other priorities 1 2 3 4 5