Public Gaming November/December 2020

43 PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 INTEREST IN SUBSCRIBING TO ILOTTERY AMONG CURRENT PLAYERS OF TRADTIONAL GAMES As the gure reveals sports betting players exhibit the highest likelihood of iLottery subscriptions (54%), followed by Keno players (46%), State Lottery players (36%) and Scratch-o players (35%). Given the interest of players of these games, the iLottery platforms need to be con gured in a way that supports the interests of these di erent game constituencies. INTEREST IN SUBSCRIBING TO ILOTTERY AMONG CURRENT PLAYERS OF DIFFERENT CASINO GAMES Figure 3 provides estimates of the likely iLottery subscription rates for casino players with di erent game interests. e data indicate that players who plav video lotteries in casinos evidence the highest interest in iLottery subscriptions (49.5%) followed by table game players (48%) and slot machine players (40%). ese data suggest that iLottery platforms need to take into consideration the needs of players of video lotteries, table games and slots players so that the game interests of these di erent constituencies are addressed by iLottery systems. For casino players, this will be particularly important since the game experience is immersive in nature and it will be a challenge to provide the same level of stimulation on an iLottery platform. IMPLICATIONS 1. iLottery will expand the market for lottery and for casino games by attracting new consumer groups and consumers who do not play the lottery at land-based retail. 2. iLottery will reinforce the loyalty and playership of currrent players are interested in using a touchless methods and the convenience of playing online. 3. e level of interest among existing lottery and casino players in obtaining iLottery services suggests that such o erings will have wide appeal to existing players and may enhance the ability of state lotteries to increase funds transferred to bene ciaries whose budgets have been negatively impacted by the Coronaviris pandemic. 4. ILottery complements existing land- based lottery and casino gaming services but it does replace the kind of immersive experience associated with casino visits and playing the lottery in the stores. 5. Implementation of iLottery needs to take place in a fashion that supports the ongoing role of lottery retailers in this process. Lotteries that have been online for years have already shown us the way. rough a wide variety of cross-promo- tional strategies, players are incented to play at land-based retail and online, the results being higher engagement and a growth rate at retail that is higher in iLottery states than in states that do not have iLottery. Dr. Barry Goodstadt is Principal and Founder of Telecom, Utility & Regulatory Consulting, LLC, based in Bethany Beach Delaware. Dr. Goodstadt is a social/organizational psycholo- gist and researcher with more than 25 years of experience in assessing consumer behavior and consumer choice for a number of private rms, trade associations and government agencies. His work has focused heavily on new product development, particularly on the di usion and consumer adoption over time of new digital products. is work includes analyses of di eren- tial adoption across generations (e.g. Millennials vs. Gen-X vs. Baby Boomers). He has extensive regulatory consulting experience and has testi ed before numerous public utility commissions and legislative bodies. n FIGURE 2 Likelihood of Subscribing to iLottery Among Sports Betting, Keno, Scatch-off and State Lottery Players FIGURE 3 Likelihood of Subscribing to iLottery Among Casino Video Lottery , Casiino Table Game and Casino Slots Players Sports Betting Keno State Lottery Instant Scratch-off Video Lottery in a Casino Table Games at a Casino State Lottery 0.00% 0.00% 10.00% 10.00% 20.00% 20.00% 30.00% 30.00% 40.00% 40.00% 50.00% 50.00% 60.00% 60.00% 54.26% 49.46% 46.20% 48.04% 35.56% 40.38% 35.38% Lotteries, Casinos and iLottery continued from page 37