Public Gaming November/December 2020
35 PUBLIC GAMING INTERNATIONAL • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2020 only at traditional lottery terminals but also at vending machines. This func- tionality also allows players to store their favorite numbers in the app rather than use paper slips that they must pick up and fill out in store. Many lotteries already offer players the ability to scan their ticket on a mobile device to check if it’s a winner. Working with IGT to enable a Connected Play experience will allow players to have lower-tier winnings paid digitally to their eWallet or bank account. IGT can also assist customers in offering a digital payment option, another way to improve the player journey − and one that is consistent with how most consumers are transacting today. Of course, one of the big questions here is, just how frictionless should transactions be? The issue of facilitating a completely anonymous player journey versus some type of light registration, such as a phone number and name, is one for each lottery to determine based on its market, regulatory envi- ronment, and the level of consumer acceptance. When some type of player-registration occurs, IGT can work with lotteries to provide additional functionality. For example, with light registration, IGT can embed a unique ID into the digital play slip, allowing operators to associ- ate transactions with player profiles, providing additional data that opera- tors can analyze to improve the player experience. The next step in enabling Connected Play is to introduce digital tickets. Im- portantly, this remains a retail transac- tion, so lotteries can offer a digital- in-retail solution even if they are not permitted to offer internet wagering. And digital players who have funded their lottery eWallet can apply unused funds at retail – either at a traditional terminal or at a vending machine – to purchase tickets in store. When players have the prizes from a winning ticket paid to their eWallet, it eliminates cash handling for retailers and players and keeps funds safe in the wallet for future purchases. Use of the eWallet is another feature that makes the lottery journey at retail contact- free, more hygienic, and at the same time gives lotteries visibility into the full spectrum of transactions to know their players better. It now becomes possible for lotteries to communicate with players directly through CRM tools with more personalized and relevant messaging or offers, based on players individual behaviors and preferences. Critically, all the features and functional- ity of Connected Play provide opportu- nities for lotteries to better understand their players and offer solutions to meet growing expectations for a frictionless purchase and play experience. Change is inevitable, and the need for it has accelerated. As 2021 approaches, IGT looks forward to being our custom- ers’ partner for the future, working with lotteries as they develop their business plans and seek to bring new player ex- periences to life for ongoing success. Contact your IGT account representative to learn more about Connected Play and solutions to adapt lottery to new consumer preferences and behaviors.
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